Monday, September 15, 2008

WoooHOO!!! Praise Yah!

Heehee... remember how I told you about those times when you are given an amazing blessing, just when you need it?

We are having a baby in dec, and are not rolling in dough.
Well..... Look what I got today, new, in the box, from goodwill for only $39.99.

Yes, this is the nicest looking version of the evenflow triumph, with leatherish trim... No, it is not old. Just made in 7/08... Nope, no recalls.... yes, it was unused, tags on and all bits still in the bags.

It is still for sale at and I got it for 81.25% off retail!

PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!

Goodwill had it priced at 49.99, and I had a $10 off credit from using my goodwill card.

This is 3.98 less than the very cheapest car seat out there. :-D


  1. NICE. There's a certain triumph im getting a really good deal, isn't there? :)

    I think you're due like a week after me or so? I'm Dec. 5th, but I have never, ever been "on time".

  2. Fantastic! One more piece of baby gear out of the way!
