Yippie I have a crib! Ahhhh I feel soo much more relaxed now. I am still collecting little things, and washing them to fluffy softness. They reside in a sweet basket in the beautiful crib.
My parents and my sisters and brother in law gave us the amazing, SOO STURDY crib. It is a million times better than the antique one we had for a while. You don't even need 2 hands or a weird bar to step on to open the crib, just lift the top about 1 inch, and push a wee bit on the side with your hip. THANK YOU ALL!!
Miss Lottie has decided to share her things with the baby, so frequently a giant pile of big girl toys shows up the crib, and mama gets to explain again, that the baby will need a place to sleep too. :-) See her purse on the crib corner? What a sweetie!
Levi is very excited about the baby, and he has already bought a Christmas present for the wee one. He tells baby hello every morning, and loves to make sure that Baby gets enough food, etc. Anticipation, so much fun!